About Aimee

My Story

Why I Guide

Sharing a passion for the healing properties of nature is what I am meant to do.     My intention when I received my BA in Psychology was that my life’s work would involve helping others.  I have been able to accomplish this to a degree through my work as a fitness coach, volunteering at my children’s schools,  volunteering for local organizations, and being a parent.  Yet, I felt called to do something that utilizes more of my gifts but also lights a fire in my heart.  

Discovering Forest Bathing has been a soul awakening, and a meaningful experience I feel called to share with others.  Through this journey, I came to realize that I can combine my passion for nature with my desire to help others.  


Not only is Forest Bathing a balm to the soul, it’s a balm to our environment.  The more people are in nature, the more they will grow to care for it, and want to protect it.  Environmental conservation can be accomplished in many ways, big and small.  If by bringing people on a guided walk connects them to nature as well as themselves, I consider that to be not only personally fulfilling, but a hopeful move in the right direction for mental health and for our Earth.    

When I went for my first guided walk, I didn’t really know what to expect, but left my mind open for all possibilities.  In Fall '22, I became a certified Mindful Outdoor Guide through Kripalu’s School of Mindful Outdoor Leadership.  More recently, I finished training with the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy.   Being a guide allows me to share these possibilities with you...because you are a lifeforce.   All of nature is a lifeforce.  I invite the two of you to connect. 

Be well on your journey, and I hope our paths cross soon.
